Applications invited


Applications are invited for the position of Secretary/Treasurer to the Tawonga Cemetery Trust and the position is only open to an Alpine Shire resident.

Duties are as prescribed in the link below and all enquiries can be made by contacting the Secretary at or on 0419 976 092.

Applications by email will be received until further notice.

Roles and Duties

Tawonga Cemetery

Tawonga Cemetery is nestled between pastures and forest at the top of Cemetery Lane. The location is peaceful and inspiring, with panoramic views of the idyllic Kiewa Valley, Mount Bogong and surrounding peaks.

The cemetery offers two burial sections and a memorial section. All sites are non-denominational and no reservations are taken. Ashes may be placed in the Memorial Wall or in graves.

Burials from outside the Kiewa Valley will be accepted.

Contact Tawonga Cemetery Trust

Sue Ryder
PO Box 208
Mt Beauty 3699

Other Organisations

Cemeteries & Crematoria Association of Victoria
Department of Health

If a family name history search is not successful for Tawonga, then a search of the records of the following cemeteries may be of assistance.